Учебная статья Можно ли обойтись без путешествий?

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Can people live without travelling?


In my opinion it is impossible to live without travelling.

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Many man, many minds. All people are different and so they prefer spending their free time in different ways. Some of them go the parks, forests,to the country and enjoy the beauty of nature. Others like to stay at home watching TV or reading books. There are people who are fond of cinema and theatres, so they try to go there as often as pos- sible. As for me I prefer to spend my free time in different ways. I like to go in for sports, to play football, basketball or volleyball with my friends. I like to watch TV, to listen a tape recorder and play computer games. Also I like to go for a walk in the country and enjoy the beauty of nature. And my way of spending free time is connected with my hobby. And my hobby is reading books... I"d like to say that it"s hard to imagine our life without books.Books play such a great role in the development of personality. They help as to forget our daily problems and to pretend we travel to the past, future and to many different, wonderfull places that we can"t visit in reality. I am also sure that books are our good friends and teachers. From them we get to know the life around as better, they teatch as how to tell right from wrong, to love our Motherland, to understand friendship, people"s feelings. So, they teach us how to live. As for me I like to read different kinds of books: ......

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My summer holidays After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy and began to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vocation. I was dreaming about far South countries I always wanted to visit. For example I dreamed to visit, Greece islands or Singapore beaches. But I had to go to the Azove seaside with my relatives. The water was very warm there because you know Azove Sea isn’t deep. There were a lot of beautiful fair trees and bushes there. There were different kinds of entertainments there. Some kinds of water Mountains and water scooters and discos. There was nothing to do all day except lying in the sun and get a wonderful tan. I was playing with my little sister on the sand and in the waves teaching her to swim. Later on I returned to Kherson and spend some time in town going out with my friends, reading, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games. After that I went to the sports camp where I spent seven days with my friends. It was very useful experience for us because we had to get up very early, to train a lot, and to rest very little. But it made us stronger and healthier. I was very happy to return home and to spend several days in my summer cottage, I helped my grand-pa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruits and vegetables. I was fishing with my grand-pa sometime successfully and we were cooking our fish together. Only humorous insects were spoiling my good humor. I was enjoying floating in the boat swimming in the river and helping my grandparents. During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books. Got to know a lot of useful things. Now I feel ready to get back to school. I am happy to meet my friends and teachers.


I LIKE TO TRAVEL I like to travel. First of all, the members of our family usually have long walks in the country. Such walks are called hikes. If we want to see the countryside, we have to spend a part of our summer holidays on hikes. It is useful for all members of our family. We take our rucksacks, we don't think about tickets, we don't hurry up and we walk a lot. During such hikes we see a lot of interesting places, sometimes we meet interesting people. I like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many things in a short time. When we go by car, we don't take tickets too, we put all things we need in a car. We don't carry them. It is comfortable to travel by train and by plane. When I travel by plane, I don't spend a lot of time going from one place to another. But it is difficult to buy tickets for the plane. That's why we take our tickets beforehand. If I travel by train or by plane my friends see me off at the rail-way station or in the airport. Sometimes we go to the seaside for a few days. As usual the weather is fine. It is warm, we can swim. It is a pleasure to watch white ships. I think that travelling is a very useful thing for us and I enjoy all kinds of travelling very much.

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Almost all people like to travel. When you have got holidays you can travel by car, by train, by plane and by sea. I like to travel by sea best of all. Some years ago we took a cruise along the Black Sea coast on board the liner " Russia ". We came to Sochi by train. Then we went to the seaport and saw our ship. It was big. We liked it very much. I remember the ship and our cabin. Our cabin was comfortable. It had got two berths, a table two chairs and one wide window and the warm wind was blowing through it. There was fresh air in our cabin during all the voyage. We had breakfast, dinner and supper on board the ship. When it was time to have meals we went to the restaurant. The weather was fine. After breakfast we spent a lot of time on the deck sitting in deck chairs or standing at the rail, watching the ships, passing not far from our ship. It was pleasant to watch the waves too. I remember the sunrise and the sunset well. It was unforgettable. In the afternoon I took a sunshade because the sun was shining brightly. It was hot in the sunshine.

In the daytime we liked to watch the sea-scape. At four o'clock we entered the port Adler. There were some ships there. We saw many people on the pier. We had some free time in Adler and we went for a walk while the ship was in the port. The water was clean and it was pleasant to swim in the sea. I like the Caucasus and that's why I was pleased. At 8 o'clock we came back. The liner was going to sail off. In the evening we patched TV, danced or stayed on the deck when the weather was fine. I enjoyed my trip. This voyage impressed me for all my life.


Answer the following questions:

Do you like to travel?

What ways of travelling do you like?

Can a person live single?

Is it possible to live without travelling?

Can you sit at home all day long?

Ожидаемый результат

People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all of that provide you with comfort and security. What choose to make? It’s up to you to decide. There is a great varieties of choose available for you. If you travel for pleasure you would like by all means to enjoy picturesque places you are passing through, you would like seeing the places of interest, enjoying to sight seeing of the cities, towns and countries. You will have a good opportunity to enjoy wonderful monuments of cultural and historical places to learn a lot about the history of your country, about the world around us, to visit different countries, to meet people of different nationalities, to learn a lot about their traditions, costumes, culture. In other words you will broaden your mind. Nowadays people travel not only for pleasure but also on business to home and international business is developing. You have to go to other countries to take part in different negotiators, to sigh contacts, to participate in different exhibitions, in order to exhibit the goods of your firm or company. Travelling on business helps you to get more information about achievements of other companies, which will make your own business more successful. There are a lot of means of travelling by sea, by plane, by car, on foot: tastes differ. That is why it is up to you to decide which means of travelling you would prefer. No wonder one of the latest means of travelling is travelling by plane. It combines comfort and speed and you will reach the place of destination very quickly. Before bordering the plane you must register at the airport. You are required to have your baggage weighed. Each passenger is allowed 20 kilograms of baggage free of charge. But if your baggage is heavier you must pay an extra charge. Before the plane takes off the stewardess gives you all the information about the flight the speed and altitude. She asks you to fasten the felts and not to smoke. She will take care of you during the flight and will help you to get comfortable, in your seat. Inside the cabins the air is always fresh and warm. During the flight you can take a nap or a chat, you can, you can read and relax. In some plains you can watch video or listen to the music. When the plane is landing or taking off you have an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery, the magnificent views or pictures and landscapes. While travelling by plane you fly past varies, villages, cities and towns at the sight of which realize how majestic and tremendous is our planet. You enjoy the nature in the riches its splendor. No doubt travelling by air is the most convenient, comfortable and the quietest means of travelling. But there are some disadvantages. If you are airsick the flight may seam a real farther to you. Unfortunately sometimes the flights are delayed because of our unfavorable weather conditions, and one inconvenient more it is the jet-lag, a different between the time you are accustomed to attend the new time.

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Участник:Ржевская Марина Александровна

Бизнес-поисковик IPRIM.RU